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Matt Via Pruning

Services Offered


Pruning Older Trees & Shrubs
This process focuses first on getting the woody plants back into a healthier condition through removal of: dead wood, crossing/rubbing branches, weak branches & redundant branches that are blocking sunlight and air circulation. Next, functional needs such as branches: blocking walkways, rubbing the house, impeding lawn mowing, etc are addressed. Finally, aesthetic considerations such as balance and form are addressed.

Rejuvenation of Underperforming
Flowering Trees, Shrubs & Overgrown Hedges
This is a drastic and effective pruning method that may take 2-3 years to yield desired results. For flowering trees and shrubs that are either hardly flowering or not flowering at all, a properly timed removal of one third of the oldest stems will put the plant's energy into creating new, healthier wood. This will eventually flower nicely and allow for a makeover. This is great for old Lilacs, Forsythia, Magnolia and many other species.
This same principal can be applied to an overgrown or underperforming hedge. A hedge that has been repeatedly sheared for many years will often eventually become a tangle of dead , unproductive stems towards the bottom and a small display of struggling flowers and/or foliage at the top. A properly timed heavy pruning will reduce the size of a hedge. There are even some shrubs that will respond positively to being cut completely to the ground. A new hedge will grow, comprised of lush new growth, that will look great for many years. This technique works great on yews, (taxis) burning bushes, forsythia, and many many more.
Rejuvenated, lush forsythia hedge
Special Event Pruning
Pruning to add grace and elegance to your landscape for an outdoor wedding, gala, birthday celebration, etc. Can be tailored to your specific event, needs & budget. This can range from work on one special tree that will be a focal point of your event, to doing to some graceful pruning on all appropriate plants in the area of your event. Let me use my gift to help enhance the beauty of your surroundings on your special day!
Improving Health & Yield of Fruit Trees
Following basic principals of good pruning, such as creating air circulation and light penetration and adding species-specific techniques to help make a healthier fruit tree that gives you more fruit.
Training Young Trees & Shrubs
This is an ideal way to get your trees and shrubs started on the right track. Other than cutting off dead branches, pruning should not start on a tree/shrub until 2 years after it was planted. Pruning young, healthy plants is done quickly and with a light hand.
Old, struggling forsythia hedge
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